Contact Us
Do you want to submit an article or course to be included on this site? Contact us below.
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Your company’s first submission to our website is free. Every submission thereafter is $80 per listing.
Contact Us
Email Address
Level 2 / 2-4 Southeast Boulevard
Pakenham, VIC, 3810
Frequently Asked Questions
What does it cost to submit an article
Right now it is free to submit an article or a course on our website however it will be reviewed by a member of our team to ensure it complies with our policies and is linked to a legitmate course provider and that the article is not against our policies. Find out more about our paid options here.
What are your policies
We do not accept any articles that provide information that:
- encourages the consumption of any drugs or alcohol
- promotes violence, abuse, pornography, or sexually explicit material
- promotes any illegal activities in any way.
Our decision is final.
Can I be included in your newsletter
Our team select the best articles and courses for inclusion in our e-newsletters. In time this will allow for paid for submissions to this feature.